what arnold failed to say

if arnold wasn’t lying
if arnold was sincere
there will be lots of food
we will not be pursued
and we’ll be safe in here
what arnold didn’t tell us
what arnold failed to say
what arnold skipped decidedly
we won’t have any privacy
we’ll swim around in circles
the place is fully furnished
the lights are always on
we haven’t found an exit
so how is arnold gone?


© 2016 kStan(ly) Lanning
picture by dorigo, courtesy pixabay.com
created for the daily prompt – sincere
swimming with the Daily prompt – gone – while i work on something new
on view with the Daily prompt – privacy – until something else pops up

The Tale of the Whale

I fell into the soulful eyes
of the mesmerizing whale
she wanted me to knowwhale
to see
to feel somehow
the way that she
was feeling, had been
for some years
this gorgeous creature
salty tears
a family
left on their own….
so far from home….
the whale, forgiving,
not forgetting,
a spouse, a child,
her sister’s wedding,
her momma’s passing,
her backyard pool…
hey okay so I’m a fool
to read so much into her sighs,
her size, her soulful eyes,
her sing-song cries
she wanted to play
she wanted to say
don’t go away,
you get me.


© 2015 kStan(ly) Lanning
this tale was inspired entirely
by an actual encounter at the
Aquarium in Coney Island

Discover challenge – sing