not like harry’s*

my life is not a circle
but a strange trajectory
it backs and forths
and ups & downs
with no respect for me
it sails on straight but bumpy
then smoothes out in a curve
there’s no predictability
it has a lot of nerve.


*Harry Chapin, Circle



(c) 2015 kStan(ly) Lanning


Curve – challenge

9 thoughts on “not like harry’s*

  1. kStan(ly) love your poems as I love you. Congratulations on poem site.
    You are a TRUE poet. You have a way of writing that seizes the moment of what you writing about. Especially in this poem. Everyone experiences life’s twist and bends.
    Keep writing dear friend.
    Your sensational !!! Toe XO


    1. Thank you so much! You’re my first comment, I just started this week & I’m so excited you found me & wrote!!!!!! I will check out yours as soon as I finish a new verse & definitely I know I like it (you) already.


      1. I’m glad that you are putting your writing first! That’s the only way to actually get it done each day… or however often you write. Yes by all means finish your new verse first!!!


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